Tuesday, January 4, 2011

How to Work Safely on Your Computer

As a blogger, chances are you spend several hours a day in front of a computer. Even if you aren’t a full-time blogger, you may work in an office that requires you to work primarily on computers.
Whatever the case, sitting in front of a computer for most of the day can be hazardous for your health in the long-term.
Here are some tips for avoiding common health problems like carpal tunnel syndrome and repetitive strain injury.

1. Watch your posture.

Many people who work with computers develop back problems from poor posture. While sitting at your desk working on a computer make sure that your feet are on the ground, spread comfortably apart. Your eyes should be level with the screen such that you aren’t straining your neck. The natural curve of your back should be against your chair, supporting your lower back and shoulders. Also make sure that your wrists are level (i.e. they aren’t strained, bent either up or down)

2. Take your eyes off the screen.

Eye strain caused by working on a computer for several hours a day can have long-term consequences for your vision. Make sure that you blink frequently to keep your eyes moisturized, and take your eyes off the screen every half hour or so. Either close your eyes and breathe deeply for a few minutes or get up off the desk and focus your vision elsewhere.

3. Take breaks from your computer every hour and stretch.

Being in one position for hours at a time impacts your joints, your circulation, and your ability to concentrate. As such, taking productive breaks from the computer is absolutely essential. Be sure to walk around for a few minutes and get the blood circulating in your body. Moreover, try to take your mind off the task at hand. Concentrating for too long on one thing can hamper your ability to focus.

4. Drink plenty of water and bring healthy snacks to keep your energy levels up.

Sitting at your desk for several hours at a time, staring at a computer screen can zap you of energy very quickly. Ever wonder why your energy-level and productivity seems to lag substantially after lunch? It may be for a number of reasons, but two usual suspects are dehydration and hunger. By drinking water throughout the day, and snacking lightly on healthy foods like carrots or popcorn, you’ll keep your body hydrated and your blood sugar levels steady, preventing the crash-and-burn effect of coffee guzzling and a heavy lunch.